StarFleet Carl: Blog


Book 3 Chapter 2 in the queue

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Chapter Two of A True History-Book Three is in the queue for posting Friday morning. Thanks for reading and please don't hesitate to send me emails or post comments.

Book 3, Chapter 1, uploaded

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Posting chapters will be every TWO weeks, and one week behind SOL. If you purchased Book One on Bookapy, updated, edited versions in MOBI and EPUB are available. Nothing plot-wise changed, just cleaned up some formatting errors.

Coming Soon, Book Three

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I've almost got enough buffer built up to start posting Book Three. I don't have the prologue ready for it yet, so I recommend just going back and re-reading Book One and Two. :) (Maybe even voting for Book Two if you liked it, would be nice. Thank you.)

As a teaser, here's the first few lines of Chapter One, Book Three, A True History.
That could have gone better.

"What did Elroy tell you about the whole zealot thing?" I asked.

With an almost child-like voice, Hannah said, "Too much?"

Beth smiled. "Yeah, just a little. I think it would have been very possible for me to have gone that way, too." She held her hand out, to help Hannah up.

Last load

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I have the last three chapters of Book Two in the queue, with Chapter 30 set for Saturday morning. There will be a Book Three, my fat fingers are working on it as fast as I can. I appreciate all of you that have read this and downloaded it. Please feel free to vote for it, and send me emails or comments. That's how we know how good (or bad) of a job we're doing.

I'll make the occasional blog post here as an update on how Book Three is doing. Until then, I remain, your servant - Starfleet Carl

This week in the queue

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The next four chapters are set for Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. That will put it ending here next weekend.