StarFleet Carl: Blog


Happy Thanksiving

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Chapters 5 & 6 are in the queue for Tuesday and Thursday. Thanks to everyone for reading, and please don't be shy about sending me a mail note. Lord knows the folks on SOL (the parent site) aren't. :)

Chapter 4 in the queue

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A True History Book Two, Chapter 4, in the queue for tomorrow morning. Have good reading, and if you like this, please let me know. (And for whoever it was out there that didn't like it because you had to give it such a low vote - please let me know WHY you didn't like it.)

A True History Book Two being posted

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Everyone that's wondered how Cal Lewis has been doing - your wait is over. My plan for SFS is to post two chapters per week until fully done. Please feel free to leave comments and/or send me an email. Chapter 2 will be posted Saturday morning.

Fully uploaded and queued

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The entire rest of Love Never Changes is now uploaded and in the queue. The pace remains the same for a few more chapters, then the last three uploads are multiple chapters. The whole story will be complete by the end of the month.

Please send me emails or add comments on what you think. Thank you.

Next week uploaded

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I've uploaded three chapters of Love Never Changes for MWF of next week. There have been some very MINOR changes - sometimes I had plural instead of singular - between what's posted here and the original story that I posted literally a full year ago on SOL. It's still the same story, and once I finish posting it here, I'll upload all of the changes to SOL.