Kali - Cover


Copyright© 2020 by Pars001

Chapter 13

Indra - king of the Devas, god of all weather

The Trimurti - the three main dieties of Hinduism

Vishnu - the god of preservation

Shiva - the god of destruction

Brahma - the god of creation

Lakshmi - consort of Vishnu - the goddess of wealth and purity.

Parvati - consort of Shiva - the archetypal mother goddess and fertility image

Saraswati - consort of Brahma - the goddess of education, creativity, and music

Indrani - wife of Indra, queen of the Devas

Rama - discusses duties, rights and social responsibilities of an individual also an avatar of Vishnu

Sita - consort of Rama - avatar of Lakshmi

Kali - goddess associated with time, change, creation, power, destruction and death, consort of Shiva

Ganesha - a god of wisdom, and the remover of all obstacles.

Buddi - consort of Ganesha intelligence, wisdom, or intellect.

Kertikeya - major god of war

Devasena - goddess of aspiration, consort of Kertikeya

Yama - God of death

Dhumorna - consort of Yama

Chandra - God of the moon, plants and vegetation

Rohini - main consort of Chandra, the red goddess

I growled in its face the heat of my body and hate, burning even its skin. “Where are they? You are about to die, it can be quick, or I can stretch it out for a very long and very painful time.”

The demon started to growl at me before I hit it in the middle of its chest.

“Very slow and painful it is, I said as I started to twist its chest and stumps. Finally, I knew, then I put a hand through its chest, pulling out a blackened piece of flesh.

I looked at Kali, “I am going after them, I will get them,” I started.

At that moment, Indra and Chandra appeared shocked at the carnage that was around me. “They took them, didn’t they?” Indra said, to which I nodded. “We are going with you; they are our consorts.” I nodded, then felt others appear.

Then, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva of The Trimurti. A moment later, Kertikeya appeared with more weapons than I thought any being could carry. He had a look of anguish and glee about going into battle.

I noticed a few moments after that, that Yama the god of death was behind him. This made me smile more. I knew that if Yama was as mad as I could see that he was, the demons hadn’t a chance at all.

I thought that Indra was going to take over as he seemed to be a major god here. When he said nothing and walked to me, slightly bowing to me, I knew. “I am going after them, I took thirty-one more of them, so it might help,” I smiled.

Suddenly, all of them had weapons that seemed to appear from nowhere. Oh, yeah, I thought this was going to be bloody as hell.

I looked at my hands and shook my head no, why the hell did I need weapons? A moment later, Indra asked,” don’t you need weapons?”

“Why? I took all these without them, especially the biggest one,” I said, looking at the only pieces of the last I had destroyed. “They pissed me off, not much going to stop me.”

I saw Kertikeya get a huge smile on his face, “ooooo this is going to be fun!”

I just shook my head at him as I reached out, then vanished. I could feel both of them, but they had seemed to have separated. This wasn’t sitting well with me as I started to grow angry again, honing in on where I felt the goddess.

I appeared in a gray semi-dark area, I could also hear Indrani shouting at who ever had her. I thought a second and tried to make it so they couldn’t leave.

“I suggest that you let me go, I am the conasort of the king of the gods,” she shouted.

“Shut the hell up, if he was so strong then he’d be here already!” The leader of them said, then looked around noticing that a few of his supporters were gone.

I looked at the pile of bodies beside me. I could still feel my anger growing. I was prepared to take the rest of them apart when the leader started to laugh.

“So it appears that that weakling god is here. Nothing like that half-god, that is a true warrior,” he said, then stopped as another five vanished.

“Alright coward, come out. What are you afraid of?” He shouted.

He was about to start another tirade when I stepped out in front of him. I smiled a truly wicked smile.

“Fast or slow, all of you are no more, though you,” I said as I poked the leader in the chest, knocking him to the ground. “You I am saving for last,” I then destroyed another twenty of his helpers.

Each was almost petrified as they found that they couldn’t leave. I was heading for the last five when Yama appeared, slicing through them like they were butter.

I then caught the largest one that I had knocked off his feet. “So, where is she?” I asked, he refused to talk, so I removed both arms. I really didn’t care that he was screaming. “I suggest you answer because there is a lot of you that I can take off,” I said as I removed a leg.

I had him in about twenty pieces when he finally spoke up. I nodded, “see? That wasn’t so hard, was it? Goodbye,” I said as I ripped his chest out, then grabbed the black piece of skin that was its heart.

“Ummm that was delicious,” Yama said next to the rest of those that had arrived watching me designate the leader.

I turned my glowing red eyes toward Yama, “shut up Yama! “Til we get her, noting is finished or delicious as you said.”

Yama was suddenly silent as the rest were, merely nodding his head. I was reaching out looking for Rohini. I was starting to grow angry again as it felt that they were somehow shielding her.

I was about to go searching for her when Kali touched me. “Robert,” I heard her voice through a fog. “Robert,” she said again as I slightly stumbled into her arms. “You have expended more energy than you have. I know that you are far stronger than you were, but your energy has declined faster with the extreme killing.”

I looked at her for a moment, trying to figure out who in the hell she was. “Kali?” I asked, to which she nodded with a smile.

“Let’s go to the tent, your tent,” she said.

“Tent?” I asked, then tried to nod my head as we vanished.

We arrived in front of a damn good-looking bed, which I promptly fell into. “NO! We have to go after Rohini, they have her no let me go, uh, Kali?”

Again she smiled, then removed all her clothes and crawled into bed with me. Ah, hell, I thought, got her naked again and about to be, then the darkness took me.

I swear I was out for a week, though I found out later it was only a few hours. Besides, waking up next to a horny goddess is an experience every man should have.

All I can say is I am glad I am part god, or I wouldn’t have made it past the first hour. I mean I have heard of a woman being extra horny? Shit Kali put them all to shame.

I know it was light when we started though, I was pretty sure it was starting to grow dark when we stopped.

Kali had explained at one time that the act we had done, (alot) actually energized us more than most anything. Damn, I thought, that was a hell of a way to get energy, more enjoyable too.

I looked at Kali, wondering why in the hell she had chosen me. I mean, I was an ordinary guy not exciting or anything. Always seeming to be in trouble, mostly because of my temper, so why me?

I wasn’t even all that good in bed, so why me? From what I had seen, she thought that I was like some sex god. I had to chuckle at that me? A sex god, yeah right.

Then again, I thought as I looked at the completely satisfied look on Kali’s face. Yeah, she might disagree with that.

A noise outside the tent drew my eyes to the opening. A moment later, Indrani walked in a little red-faced.

“Forgive me Robert,” she said, getting even more red-faced. “I am here for the rest, to know when you are going after Rohini. She was a dear friend of Kali and me. Plus, I think that Chandra is more angry than he is letting on.”

“It shouldn’t be long as I think that I know where she is. I also believe that they think that they can bargain with her,” I shook my head. “That isn’t about to happen.”

“Thank you, Robert, if I can help do not hesitate to ask,” she said as she turned to go, then stopped. “Just to let you know, Indra, the Trimurti, Rama, Ganesha and Chandra are ready to accompany you.” Here she gained a smile as she continued, “Kertikeya is anxious to go, though none more than Yama, he is the most anxious.”

I nodded as I thought about it, yeah I could see the god of death and war, anxious for action. I mean really, they did go hand in hand.

“Alright, as soon as I get ready I’ll be there,” I told her as I tried not to dislodge the cover over Kali and me.

Less than a half hour later, Kali and I were standing before the nine male gods. All of them had a ferocious look of fury on their faces. They were all armed to the teeth with almost every type of sword I had ever seen.

I remember seeing scenes from movies with thousands of sword-armed men. Shit these males could probably take all of them even if they were serious.

With a nod, I passed a hand over all of us there, then stopped when Kali appeared next to me. “No, I said.

She was very heavily armed as she looked at me with severe anger. “Don’t even fuck with me Robert, I am going. She’s my friend, and I’m not about to let those repugnant Danavas lay a hand on her. If you don’t believe I can help, then fight me.”

I looked at the way she was gripping the swords and her stance, I nodded my head, yeah, she was damn serious. Then I remembered that she was the goddess of creation, power, destruction and death. Plus the fact that she was mad as hell as I was, let them get in our way.

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