Kali - Cover


Copyright© 2020 by Pars001

Chapter 7

Kali 7: The Trimurti

The Trimurti - the three main deities of Hinduism

Vishnu - the god of preservation
Shiva - the god of destruction
Brahma - the god of creation

Lakshmi - consort of Vishnu - the goddess of wealth and purity.
Parvati - consort of Shiva - the archetypal mother goddess and fertility image
Saraswati - consort of Brahma - the goddess of education, creativity, and music

Rama - discusses duties, rights and social responsibilities of an individual also an avatar of Visnu
Sita - consort of Rama - avatar of Lakshmi

Kali - goddess associated with time, change, creation, power, destruction and death consort of Shiva

It was somewhat peaceful for a moment, then I remembered the pain. That, of course, brought extreme anger and the ultimate feeling of betrayal. As soon as I was conscious, I immediately started to lash out.

The first I saw was Kali, then Rama, who was apologizing to me. I told him I knew he couldn’t hold between clenched teeth, because Shiva was standing next to him.

I didn’t really give a shit that I was only back to my waist. Then I saw Vishnu, all my anger came out, I was blowing holes in both of them. Nor did I stop when the both of them fell over with not much left.

I could see that Kali was standing there shaking her head. “I told you that he was far more powerful than you thought. Maybe you’ll listen to me more next time.” She looked at what was left of Visnu, only shaking her head.

It took a while for me to calm down. I had hoped that the three of them could have stopped this. I knew that my piddling power wasn’t much, but damn, I thought they could have stopped this.

Yeah, I was supremely pissed off as I started to walk again. Kali had tried to talk to me, though I refused to listen to a single thing she said.

I told her again through clenched teeth, that this time I was done. Shiva had betrayed me for the last damn time. I knew about an hour later that the both of them were up and around again.

It was probably why I felt all four of them approach me a hell of a lot slower than ever before. A few moments later, I felt both Visnu and Shiva appear in front of me.

I sent a bolt of energy that blew a fifty-foot hole in the ground before them. “I may not be able to kill you though, I can make you hurt more than you ever have. As a matter of fact,” I stated, I let all the pain I had felt all four times go. I directed it all at the both of them, a wicked smile playing across my lips when they screamed.

That went on for quite a while, though I really didn’t care as I moved away. A couple of hours later, I felt the both of them again, this time they kept their distance.

Then, I felt Kali as she appeared not far ahead of me. OK, I guess they were starting to think she wasn’t really wanting to blast away. Her, I might stop and listen to. After all, she was sexy as hell.

I stopped when I came within sight of her. “You know I am not really interested in anything either one of them have to say,” I told her. “I’m not sure either one of them noticed, but I am a hell of a lot more powerful.”

“I noticed it, though, as you saw, neither of them did ‘til it was too late. Even with what your father healed in Shiva’s mind, I am afraid he is still somewhat addled,” Kali told me.

This made me smile. I could see that she was very devoted to Shiva. I could also see that she was also frustrated with wanting her old husband back.

“I wish that I had the control that my father did. I’m afraid I’d blow more holes in him before I did any good. I am a hell of a lot more powerful than I was. I dare say I am on level with them, though I need control. For the moment, I really want nothing to do with Shiva or Vishnu,” I told Kali.

Kali released a heavy sigh as she agreed with me. “We need you, unfortunately, to help free the rest of the gods. Like your father, you have powers that no other god has. I also know that it might take quite some time before your anger cools. May I travel with you during this time? I could give you relief if you need it.”

I turned to stare at Kali, her sexy body was a definite enticement to reconsider. I made a chair, a table and a few drinks as I sat to think about it.

Kali sat across from me with another sexy smile, while I tried to relax. This whole damn week had to be the strangest I had ever had. I peeked over at Kali. I could see that she was tense. I knew that with just the four out, there was definite pressure on them.

Still upset, I made some shade from the sun, then a light meal that I offered her. Alight, I thought turning things over in my mind. With only four of them, things weren’t going to improve at all. Even with the powerful Visnu back, it was going to be touch and go.

A few hours later, I was finally relaxed. I turned to Kali, “I know that you need me to move quickly, though I am afraid that the pain will happen again. Who needs to be released first?”

“I am not sure if you know, there are three prominent gods, two you are well acquainted with. Shiva and Visnu are two of them, the other is Brahma. With all three out, things should indeed calm. I am afraid though that he might also react like my husband and Vishnu. I am sorry that they may not have the power to protect you,” Kali said.

“I know my power has increased since Vishnu was released, though if this Brahma is this powerful? Even all four of you might not be enough. Then again, he has been asleep longer than all of you. I might just luck out, you think?” I asked her.

I knew when I saw her face drop that no, my luck was still the same, bad. “I have gained in power now,” Kali started. “I might be able to keep all the pain away, would that help?”

A small smile came to my lips, “I think that would do. I remember you tried the last time, someone reducing the pain, though it was still pretty bad.” I sighed, “Alright, call them.”

A moment later, three blue-skinned males appeared before me. I took a deep, calming breath, I was still pretty upset. “I am willing to go after Brahma but, I expect the four well, you three to help a hell of a lot more than you did. My power has stepped up quite a bit, though I will need all three of you. I expect the three of you to go ‘til you have nothing else,” I looked particularly hard at Shiva.

I also noticed that Vishnu, Kali and Rama were giving him the same look. I then reached out trying to find where Brahma was being held.

It only took a moment ‘til a shocked look came into my eyes. I turned to stare at a nearby mountain, yeah, I could feel a significant amount of power from there. Damn, I thought, it was stronger than Visnu and Shiva alone, almost together.

I looked at the four of them as they smiled. I just shook my head, then rolled my eyes. I was starting to have grave misgivings about this. Shit, I thought, this was going to go bad, I just knew it.

I nodded my head as I blinked out, appearing near a small mountain alcove, set into the face of the mountain. I stood there for a few moments studying the rock face, I reached out, nodding my head. I was afraid of that; this was as hard as the previous ones.

I concentrated a moment making several pieces of equipment appear. Looking at them, I saw that, as hard as the rock was, the equipment would break in no time. I thought long and hard on a solution, would diamond tips help?

I knew that oil rigs used diamond-tipped drill bits to tunnel through bed rock. As fas as I knew, it was very hard rock, much like this. All right, I thought as I changed things up, then started to drill.

I was shocked as I made the first seven feet of distance with ease. Huh, I thought, I just needed harder, then stopped short as there was a screeching, grinding noise. Less than a minute later, there was a crushing crash and the whole machine collapsed. Well shit, I thought, I passed a hand over it, making it whole again.

I tried to start again though only made another two feet, the machine, collapsing again. Well, I was at nine feet a hell of a lot further in a lot less time than I had before. I went through all I knew of geology and metals, deciding on another type of drill bit.

This time I settled on a type of diamond/metal hybrid. I also slowed the bit down, attempting to go deeper and slower. This seemed to work as the bit started to go deeper. The problem was this was going to be very deep. I saw that I was at twelve feet when the bit once again ground to a halt.

I reached out, feeling the huge power that I had before. Like those that I had released, this power was indeed, far angrier than I had at first thought. I shook my head, this seemed twice as angry as all the others.

I stepped back, looking within. I had better strengthen myself more before I attempted anything else. I had no desire to go through all the pain of destruction again.

Satisfied I was twice as strong, I again replaced everything, then I started the drill again. Again, I slowed the bit, then slightly increased the pressure of the bit on the rock face. This seemed to work better though, the smell of melting and burning was starting to become prevalent.

This time I was at sixteen feet when the bit decided to crash. I could feel the angry power a lot closer, though I swear I could feel at least another four feet between me and it. Damn, I thought this was far deeper than any of the others.

I started again, amazed when an hour later I was at twenty feet, and I wasn’t through yet. I sighed as I once again changed the bit and head of the drill. I then called the others.

“I am almost through, just make sure that you all keep it back as much as possible,” I told all four of them. I really didn’t expect Rama to do that much though, any help was help.

They all waited next to me as I started to eat through the last few feet. A few minutes later, there was an explosion as the drill equipment burst outward violently. A solid wave of nothing but extreme anger rushed toward us.

The source of this story is SciFi-Stories

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