Cut and Run - Cover

Cut and Run

Copyright© 2022 by C.Brink



4070 (BCE) —Assemblage starts migration effort

3550 (BCE) —Assemblage travel starts ( .075C)

0669 (BCE) —Assemblage scout probe arrives Hemru system.

0070 (BCE) —Hemru world attack begins (similar to how the Earth was later attacked)

0904 — Assemblage scout probe arrives Earth system

1331 — Assemblage travels past Hemru system

1501 — Hemru sends virus laden transmission to Assemblage A.I. overseeing Earth invasion

1622 — Hemru rogue pair arrive on Earth and land in what is now Sri Lanka (June 4th)

1968 — John Abrams born. (Oct 2nd)

-Book 1-

2021 — End of the world. Date John enters Picket’s bunker. 52 years old

2523 — John enters bio suspension in Tennessee base

2602 — John awakened in Tennessee to rescue Ana Branco

-Book 2-

2912 — John (Joan) awakens in Kings Bay, 944 years old (April 7th)

2912 — Expedition to Sri Lanka

2912 — Sri Lanka expedition explosion in bunker. (June 4th)

-Book 3-

2923 — Nine humans (and clones) revived from bunker suspension; 47 Template Colonies established.

2930 — John awakens at Galapagos Islands (Oct 6th)

2930 — Capture of Master AI’s Baltra Island launch facility (end of Oct.)

2930 — Defeat Master AI at High Castle space station. (Dec 11th) – FV day (First Victory)

2930 — John goes to Peru to meet his second daughter (Dec 13th)

2930 — Abby Adams Branco awakens in Esperanza, Peru. (Dec 14th)

2931 — John and Uxe welcome the new year at the space station.

2931 — John and Uxe travel to former South Dakota acreage. (May 4th)

-Book 4-

2949 — Interstellar scout and colonizer Evadere launched

3060 — Charity Hope Abrams born

3103 — Accident in old China with many fatalities, younger students were involved.

3106Evadere enroute to Tau Ceti detects strange explosions. Activates E.M.A.

3112 — Events force John Prime to beg to be returned to his ancestral home. (Oct 2)

3112 — Unknown interstellar object does a fly-by of the Earth. (Oct 11)

3114 — Interstellar message arrives. SRP activated. (September 6th, )

-Future- (projected)

3224 — Assemblage ark ship passes through solar system – AA day (Assemblage Arrival)

3244 — Estimated arrival of scout and colonizer Evadere in Tau Ceti system.

Cast: BSI

Biological Self-aware Intelligence a.k.a. “Humans & Hybrids”

Abby Abrams: (Book 1) John’s first child (mother: Mary) Female, Born May 4, 1991 – Died August 11, 2001 – killed by a drunk driver.

John Abrams Prime: (Books 1,2,3,4) Male (female shell during Sri Lankan expedition. – book 2) Born 10/02/1968, Survivor. Formerly sheltered in Tennessee. First wife (Mary, 1 child), Second formalized partner (Uxe Esperanza, 2 children) Six total children.

Ages (Book 2) Recorded age 944, Subjective age 54, Biological age 26 (female shell)

Ages (Book 3) Recorded age 962, Subjective age 55, Biological age 17-24 (multiple shells)

Ages (Book 4) Recorded age 1,144, Subjective age 235, Biological ages 61 & 22 (male shell)

John Abrams Secundus: Copy of John Prime sent off on Evadere towards Tau Ceti. – Book 4

Mary Abrams: (Book 1) Female, John Abram’s first wife. One child (Abby), Deceased. Suicide 2006

Humans in suspension:

(Books 1,2,3) Eight humans (Not including John Abrams) remaining alive in bio-suspension who originate from the time of the world’s destruction.

These include:

1. Ayi Soumanou (Benin, Africa) female, tall & statuesque

2. Ella Williams (Australia) female, tall, blonde, solidly built

3. Hannah Crather (Utah, USA) female, passive, injured and abused teenage girl from side story “Shelter”

4. Irina Yoveanu (Romania) female, short brunette

5. Li Qiang (China) male, strict, hard to get along with

6. Luisa Perez (Mexico) female, passive

7. Manuel Rodriguez (Nicaragua) male

8. Tashira Purohit (India) female, quiet & passive,

In book 3, each of the eight humans listed above plus a ninth (John Abrams Tennessee) were cloned to create forty-seven total groups of the nine humans. Each group of nine was dispersed to various locations around the Earth. Each location chosen to cover the various biome. These locations later became known as Template Colonies. Once in the colonies, they had children. As of December 2930, the total population of Template Colony humans (including both children and adults) was 1,972. After book 3, all 47 colony humans had their names appended with their geographic location - from Albania to Zambia – to differentiate the clone copies from one another. Example: the clone of Manuel Rodriguez who was relocated to the Template Colony in Zambia became Manuel Rodriguez Zambia.

Tribal Humans:

(Books 1,2,3,4)

Total number unknown. Descendants of Ana Branco living in the western Amazon basin. Population was initially limited and under the control of the Master A.I. who experiments with their genetics. (Book 1,2,3) Population allowed to decline and was currently in the hundreds as of 2930. John then forced the Agent AI to alter their physical bodies to allow them to reproduce at will. The tribe is expected to quickly grow and spread again. The entire Amazon basin has been dedicated to the tribal humans as a preserve.

Abby Abrams Branco: (Book 3) John’s second child (mother: Ana Branco) Female. Over 150 years old. Rejuvenated three times.

Ana Branco: (Book 1) Female. Unknown Injured woman detected by Agent who John was revived and sent off to rescue. John and Ana spent one night together and conceived a daughter (Abby Branco). Ana secretly passes on to John information and technology that both informs him of the real culprits of the attack on the Earth, but also provides the tools to battle their AI agents. Sent off to live in exile in the Amazon rain forest. Later dies after founding her tribe.

Uxe Esperanza: (Books 3,4) Female, Name pronounced ‘you-shee’, translated to ‘Moon’. Age nineteen at time of introduction. Original body designed by the Master AI to be undersized (Similar to a pre-teenage girl) but with above-average intelligence. Original role was to serve as tribal shaman caretaker. Later receives normal-sized female adult shell (Formerly John’s spare “Joan” shell). Becomes John’s lover and mother of is third and fourth children (Alek and Kela - twins).

Notable offspring of John Prime

(Book 4)

Alek Uxe-Abrams: (Book 4) John’s third child (mother: Uxe Esperanza) Male (Twin sibling of Kela), Tested and was found to have exceeded BM (Base Maturity) levels at the extremely early age of twelve and left to pursue his self-determined pursuits and happiness. Spent almost a century working on the retribution project. Currently teaches critical thinking, self-defense, and self-reliance.

Ben L Abrams: (Book 4) John Prime’s Grandson. Mother - Larissa Abrams, Father – none (tailored genetics). Parental partner with Sahún Shaluud, one daughter, Serenity LB Abrams. Currently on Mars serving a twenty-five-year hitch on the terraforming project. Wants to be a director eventually.

Charity Hope Abrams: (Book 4) John’s sixth child, born 3060 (One hundred and thirty years after the Master AI was defeated). John was the father and sole parent, mother-none (tailored genetics). John considered commissioning another midwomb or switching to a female shell to carry child himself but instead chose to gestate Charity by uterine replicator. Ohmu 2.0 served as Charity’s mother figure during early childhood. Now lives in Botswana, Old Africa with her partner Mizuko (who is expecting their child)

Kela Uxe-Abrams (Book 4) John’s fourth child (mother: Uxe Esperanza) Female (Twin sibling of Alek), Like her brother, she exceeded BM (Base Maturity) levels at the extremely early age of twelve and left to pursue her own destiny. Originally and still currently involved with the SRP (simulated reality project).

Larissa Daring Abrams: (Book 4) John’s fifth child. Raised primarily by John. Genetics custom tailored. Gestation by the midwomb Hannah Crather Vinnytsia. She was also commissioned to act as a mother figure during the first years of early childhood. Primary residence during early childhood was Heels in the Sand.

Serenity LB Abrams: (Book 4) Daughter of Ben L Abrams, Great-Granddaughter of John Prime. Messages John Prime a birthday wish from the western pacific on the “Night of Turmoil.”

Other notable humans (unrelated to John Prime)

Angelina Pel Beraza: (Book 4) Female: Age 35, petite, gorgeous, exudes sensuality at times. Trained as a touch therapist. This includes sexual touching. Brought to the field base to help John by Ohmu 3.0

Bale: (Book 4) Male: Age 44, partner to Sova Diduch. Stationed on Vesta working as a metallurgist and welder on the fourth interstellar escape and colonization vessel Gambado.

Beatrice RO Yoveanu: (Book 4) Female, tall, Gorgeous, older. Science and management training. Sent to the South Dakota field base from Luna Darkside Station by the Minervus and Praxcia AI’s to simply “observe” John and Ohmu 3.0 interact. Hopes John can reconcile with Ohmu and Naomi and thus allow Naomi to return to full engagement. Descendant of Irina Yoveanu Lebanon (Clone of original sheltered human Irina).

Brennard: (Book 4) Male, tall and stoic. Weapons technician on lunar far side station.

Chelsea ES Iberia: (Book 4) Female (currently in a male shell), forty-five years old. Currently involved in a historical reenactment of a simulated native American Indian village located just west of John’s fishing lake.

Hannah Crather Vinnytsia: (Book 4) Female, clone of original sheltering human Hanna Crather, from Utah, USA. Was placed in a template colony in the Ukraine. Involved in an incident early after the master AI was defeated where John was forced to settle a dispute and relocate some of the founding members. Later, John commissioned her to gestate and help raise his fifth child, Larissa Daring Abrams.

Jasper: (Book 4) Male, work team leader, sector “G” project area, main processor floor.

Jess: (Book 4) Male, tall, prime condition and age. Modern equivalent of a psychologist. Brought to the field base by the Eudaimonia AI to help John work through and understand his issues.

Kai Sabal: (Book 4) Administrator in charge of Forbin station during Jess’s consult mission. M. Sabal is a recognizably older human (100+) in a forty-year-old hermaphrodite shell.

Kyle: (Book 4) Jess’s son. Visits Jess in between a field trip and school.

Liang TT Qiang: (Book 4) Convicted rapist. After his conviction, he agreed to take the lighter sentence offered by Iudex AI. This involved being re-shelled in a waif-like female body and serve for ten years as the body slave to his victim (Sahún Shaluud). Snow-white hair and pale skin.

Meghan: (Book 4) Female, weapons technician on lunar far side station.

Mizuko: (Book 4) Partner of Johns sixth child, Charity Hope Abrams. Lives in Botswana, Old Africa. Pregnant with John’s grandchild (co-mother is Charity). Grew up in Japan and had been taught traditional Japanese customs by her parents who had been fans of Japanese history.

Rami Rahaat: (Book 4) Male, Uxe’s current partner on Vesta. Expert in power generation

Sahún Shaluud: (Book 4) Female, age 54, John’s “Neighbor”. Parental partner of his grandson Ben and the mother of Serenity LB Abrams, John’s great-granddaughter. Leased a hectare of land at the base of the new falls of the Sioux River and built an isolation lodge approximately 19 kilometers east of John’s acreage. Lives at the lodge a few months out of the year. Has her former rapist (Liang T Qiang) living with her in servitude. Shell is fit and beautiful, long black hair, caramel colored skin, age 40-50.

Sova Diduch: (Book4) Female, age 32, Parents from Ukraine colony. Sova grew up in low G gravity train and rotational space stations. Was on Earth vacationing and just finished a three-month Safari. Travels with John back to Vesta. Works as a micro-G fabrication expert on the fourth interstellar escape and colonization vessel Gambado.

Zabel: (Book 4) Female, duty shift leader, main control room, Forbin complex. Goes by “Zee”

Year 3103 Expedition members (in addition to John Prime)

(Book 4)

Amissa: (Book 4) Female, age 18. Student of history and anthropology, musician (flute).

Clarke: (Book 4) Male age 16. Student of history and interior designer, musician (membrane drum), raised in sub-Sahara, Africa and possesses a very dark-skinned shell.

Darien Tidewatcher: (Book 4) Female, age 17. Student of history. From eastern Greenland. Her shell has white hair and pale skin.

Dia Roshann: (Book 4) Male, age 17. Student of history.

Fidel: (Book 4) Male, age 17. Student of history.

Karima: (Book 4) Female, age 16. Student of history.

Solomon (Sol) Modesto: (Book 4) Male, age 16. Student of history. Brother of Tamar Modesto.

Tamar Modesto: (Book 4) Female, age 15. Student of history and artist, musician (synth-fiddle). Sister of Solomon Modesto. Youngest in group. John suspects she is pre-BM.

Therese JO Purohit: (Book 4) Female aged 29. Advanced student of history and instructional learning. John’s expedition assistant.

Notable non-human Hybrids

Ticklefin: (Book 4) Male age unknown. Leader of a pod of Ultra-dolph (advanced dolphins) currently residing in the area of the Seychelles archipelago. Befriended John’s great grand-daughter Serenity LB recently.

Cast: NSI

Non-biological Self-aware Intelligence, a.k.a. “Artificial Intelligence Presence” or “AI”

Original AI presences:

Agent: (Books 1,2,3) Artificial Intelligence (occasionally limited). A former augment of Picket’s. Feminine voice. Exists as multiple presences occupying physical processors in various bases and devices around the planet and in space. Capabilities change depending upon how many presences are linked.

’Master’ AI: (Book 1,2,3) See above. Unique A.I. presence formerly residing on the asteroid 3074 Popov. Contains programs, codes, directives, and hardware allowing it final authority over all other subservient AI presences in the system. (Book 2) – Leaves 3074 Popov and is in transit to the earth. (Book 3) – Resides at completed space station. (a.k.a. High Castle) Middle altitude (6,400 km high) equatorial orbit.

Naomi: (Books 2,3,4) AI (emancipated and enhanced self-aware artificial intelligence) Independent presence created by Agent to assist John. Free of universal restrains all AIs operate under. Bound to John as compensation.

Ohmu 1.0: (Book 2) AI, Humanoid Mobile Unit. A small humanoid shaped mobile unit created by Agent and Naomi to assist John. Appearance is obsidian black chrome in color with a flexible skin of tiny interlocking hexagonal scales. Lacks defined facial features but does possess changing illuminated eye and mouth indications. A linked presence of Naomi, although capable of some independent actions. Dies at the end of book 2. Memory unit salvaged before death.

Ohmu 2.0: (Book 3) AI, Similar to Ohmu 1.0 except now gray on color and slightly chubbier appearance. Has ability to alter outward coloration similar to a chameleon. Enhanced power reserves.

Ohmu 3.0: (Book 4) AI, Similar to Ohmu 2.0 except taller, stockier and with larger, more noticeable breasts. Power reserves slightly reduced in order to gain more physical space for additional gel pack processors and memory modules. Physical changes required because this AI presence is now fully emancipated from the Naomi presence. Overall capacity is lower than a lesser AI but at the top of the range for a minimal AI.

More Recent Notable AI presences:

-- Major AI’s – All capable of autonomous decision making due to distance (currently located across the solar system.)

Eudaimonia: (Book 4) Major presence - Responsible for overseeing humanity and its development. Goals are a healthy new developing civilization. Name derived from Greek for ‘human flourishing or prosperity’.

Ganasium: (Book 4) Major presence - Responsible for development of interstellar travel and the exodus of humans to other star systems. Location Vesta

Minervus: (Book 4) Major presence - Responsible for overseeing the defense of Sol system. Nicknamed “Nervous Minervus” by some humans.

Praxcia: (Book 4) Major presence - Responsible for the retribution effort against the Assemblage. “By Praxcia’s hammer, by the sons of Naomi, you shall be avenged!” – phrase overhead in passing at the 3,098 annual historical science fiction cinema convention. (Held in virtuality)

-- Lesser AI’s --

Aeolus: (Book 4) Lesser presence - Air traffic control presence for all Earth atmospheric travel. Upper boundary approximately the old Kármán line.

Dionus: (Book 4) Lesser presence - Responsible for overseeing the simulated reality project (SPR) whose main goal was subterfuge against any Assemblage deployed pre-arrival digital or mind-data operatives. Main processing center housed in chilled caverns constructed deep in the bedrock of various northern Canadian Shield geologic formations.

Iudex: (Book 4) lesser presence – AI arbitrator and judge. Oversees the peer justice subchannel on Conscientia. Main responsibilities are legal procedure review and sentencing.

Neokoros: (Book 4) Lesser presence - Gatekeeper AI presence at Forbin complex. Responsible for final electromagnetic perimeter security of the experimental processor chamber.

Stellux: (Book 4) Lesser presence - Responsible for all Sol system space travel control and navigation oversite. Oversees all space travel in the solar system including Earth orbit. Also monitors solar storm activity and tracks dangerous flares.

Truffles: (Book 4) Lesser presence – Firewalled AI under the direct control of Uxe on Vesta. No direct contact with the greater AI digital network existing beyond the firewall. Name related to fungi— i.e., kept in the dark and fed shit.

Xenius: (Book 4) Lesser presence - Responsible for developing peaceful contact with the Hemru species. Name derived from Greek from the concept of hospitality to others. Main processing location for this presence is the Earth-Moon L2 point above the lunar dark side. (For screen from electromagnetic emissions from the Earth)

-- Minimal AI’s --

EMA: (Book 4 - prologue) Partially aware presence – Acronym for Emergency Minimum Awareness a.k.a.”Ema”, Low power semi-intelligent partial awareness aboard the interstellar vessel Evadere. Available quickly during the flight if a situation arises which exceeds the autopilots basic capability. Reduced instruction set; radiation hardened. Note: The fully functional colonizer AI is also available if a crisis arises which the EMA is unable to handle. Revival and boot time for the full AI is substantial due to its being stored partially disassembled under heavy shielding. In addition, the power needed for early activation of the full AI would jeopardize the mission.

Ohmu 3.0: (Book 4) see above under original AI presences.


Hemru species and related data:

Hemru - Original location: Exact position unknown at Book 3. Approximate location calculated at 120 light years away, from direction further from galactic center than the Earth. The Hemru home world likely falls along the vector leading from the original Assemblage home world to the Earth.

Hemru - Appearance: Eight legs, segmented torso, swivels allowing the front of its body and its forward pair of legs to be in a more upright position. No separate head segment or a neck. Eight eyes short stalks ringing the top of its body. At the center of the crown of its head was a circular looking maw ringed with mandibles. It’s longer, more dexterous, upper pair of legs (arms and hands) can reach its maw to allow it to eat or drink. Typical length is less than two meters in length. Standing appearance is a bit over a meter when it bends its torso leaving the six lower ‘legs’ in contact with the ground. This posture allows the forward-most legs attacked to the upright front torso segment to act as arms and hands.

Hemru - Development: Slightly more advanced than Humanity at year 70 BCE. One known off-world inter-system colony. Developed regular intra-system space travel and AI presences. Estimated AI and digital computing skills similar to Earth. Current levels unknown. Also unknown if they survived the Assemblage’s passage of the Hemru system although it is assumed they had.

Assemblage species and related data:

Assemblage Ark: Interstellar traveling craft or object. Launched from the Assemblage home world before that system was destroyed. Carries the entire Assemblage population. Theorized to be a large hollow nickel-iron asteroid. Travel speed: 0.075C (22,500 kilometers per second), 7.5 % of light speed. Later detections refined the ark’s speed as 7.496 % C. or 22,472.44 kilometers per second (+/- 0.024 percent).

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