The Wind of the Stars - Cover

The Wind of the Stars

by Rodriac Copen

Copyright© 2024 by Rodriac Copen

Science Fiction Story: Those who accept spiritual awakening begin to transcend the physical limitations of their bodies and minds. Connecting with transcendence allows us to shine with a new inner light, to find a divine spark that elevates our being to a new level of existence. But evolution is not achieved by running away from difficulties. Every ladder allows us to climb its steps through a conscious effort that leads us to face the difficulties and problems of life in order to evolve and be worthy of inner growth.

Tags: Science Fiction   Spiritual   Mystery   Supernatural  

On the planet Naur, beneath the vast dome of the starry sky, the desert stretched as far as the eye could see. The dunes glowed with a golden glow, and the air was thick with fine star dust that danced in the breeze. In this inhospitable landscape, the Sufi Tariq al-Khader sought truth through meditation, contemplation, and love. At his side stood Ishara, his robot disciple, her shiny, smooth exterior designed not only to serve, but to learn and grow in spiritual understanding.

Tariq and the robot Ishara sat together on top of a dune, watching as the stars seemed to tell stories of times past. In the quiet of the night, the silence was broken by Ishara’s soft voice.

—”Tariq,” Ishara said, “I have been analyzing the patterns of life in Naur. The humans of this civilization seem to have forgotten the value of love and respect. Why is this love you mention so important to you?” Tariq smiled, feeling the starlight resonate in his heart.

—”Love, Ishara, is the essence of our existence. Without love, life becomes a mere mechanism, a meaningless cycle of routine. Love is what connects us, what makes us human, even you as my metal and circuitry companion.”- Ishara tilted her head, processing Tariq’s words.

—”But how does this love manifest itself in a world that is divided and full of distrust? Many of the colonists are trapped in their own ambition and selfishness.”

—”Love, Ishara, manifests itself in small acts of kindness, in respect for others and in the search for the common good,” Tariq replied. “It is an act of giving, of seeing in the other a divine spark. Sometimes, love can be a simple gesture, like helping a neighbor, sharing knowledge or listening to someone who needs to be heard.” Ishara looked out at the horizon, where the stars shone like ancient eyes watching humanity.

—”But, Tariq, if love is so fundamental, why does it seem that humanity has moved away from it? Machines, technology, have supplanted many human interactions.”

Tariq was silent for a moment, reflecting on the profound truth of his friend’s words.

—”Technology, Ishara, is a tool,” he said finally. “Like any tool, its value depends on how it is used. It can bring us closer or push us away. In Naur, many have chosen to lose themselves in distractions, forgetting that true connection lies in the heart. The search for the meaning of life cannot be found on the surface; it must be sought deep within our humanity.”

Ishara, curiously, activated her sensors and projected a holographic image of the universe, showing thousands of worlds and possibilities.

—”So what is our purpose here? What is the purpose of our existence? Can we ever rediscover that lost connection?”

—”Our task,” Tariq said, “is to be beacons of light in the midst of darkness. We must remind each other that each of us has a role in this vast cosmos. We must share our love, our wisdom, and our compassion. When each individual feels seen and valued, the community will begin to heal.”

Ishara replied, her voice filled with understanding:

—”I understand, Tariq. So our journey is not only existential, but also spiritual. We must live as messengers of that love, teaching others to remember who they really are.”

—”Exactly,” Tariq said as his heart pounded with joy. “Every step we take in the world is an opportunity to cultivate love between humans. Through our actions, we can inspire others to rekindle the flame of human connection that makes them unique.”

As the wind blew gently, carrying the stardust in a hypnotic dance, they both looked up at the sky, where the stars seemed to wink at them, as if they shared an ancient secret. At that moment, both the Sufi and his robot understood that their journey was not just toward the discovery of meaning, but toward the creation of a space where love and wisdom could flourish, even on the most distant planet.

—”What about the search for God?” Ishara asked, genuine curiosity shining in her voice.

—”The search for God, Ishara,” Tariq replied. “It is the search for oneself. In every act of love, we find a reflection of the divine. And in every connection we make, we come one step closer to understanding the mystery of life and the universe. The key is to open our hearts and allow the light to enter.”

In the floating city of Naskar, on the dunes of Naur, Tariq lived in contrast to the frenetic and materialistic life of the settlers. His home was an ethereal structure made of transparent materials that reflected the starry sky. From there, the Sufi and his robotic companion could see how the clouds of star dust danced on the horizon, constantly reminding him of his connection to the cosmos.

However, devotion to Sufism made him an outcast in a society that prioritized immediate pleasure and sensory gratification. One day, as he walked through the city, he was greeted by Jahir, an old childhood friend, who had become an advocate of worldly pleasures. With a mischievous smile, Jahir approached, dressed in vibrant clothes that highlighted his penchant for ostentation.

—”Tariq,” Jahir exclaimed. “I rarely see you around here. Why do you lock yourself away in your thoughts when there is so much pleasure to experience in this world? Augmented reality has made life more delicious than ever. Don’t you want to enjoy tangible joy, the flesh, the delight?”

Tariq turned, looking at him with a calm face that reflected the starlight.

—”Jahir, my friend, physical pleasure is ephemeral. It may provide momentary satisfaction, but it does not fill the void left by the disconnection of the soul. True happiness lies in the search for what is eternal, not in the transitory nature of our lives.”

—”Eternal?”— Jahir replied smiling, while raising an eyebrow —”Don’t you see that what you offer is a mirage? Sensory experiences are real and within reach. I have tasted the nectar of luminescent flowers, I have danced with the shadows of virtual pleasures ... that is living.”-

Tariq smiled softly, understanding his friend’s perspective, though he knew his words came from a place of superficiality.

—”Life, dear friend, is not just a series of pleasures. It is a journey towards union with the eternal. We have come from nothingness to experience life, but at some point we will return to the universe that allowed us to exist. Only in the eternity of the universe do we understand the reality of our essence. When I meditate, I find peace that transcends my body. With each inhalation, I feel the love of the universe; with each exhalation, I detach myself from the mundane and ephemeral.”

—”But,” Jahir insisted, “don’t you feel alone in your search? Others look at you as if you were lost in an illusion. Technology, experiences, are part of modern life. Why not embrace the present?” Tariq looked up at the stars, where the constellations seemed to tell stories of love and connection, and then turned his attention to Jahir.

—”Friend, there is a big difference between living in the present and living caught up in the moment. True connection comes from understanding our relationship with the divine. When one surrenders to love, one no longer feels alone. Loneliness dissipates in unity with the universe.”

—”What about human connections?” Jahir asked, somewhat frustrated. “Those experiences are what make us feel alive. Every physical encounter, every shared pleasure ... aren’t those, too, expressions of love?”

—”They can be, of course,” Tariq replied. “But true love goes beyond the physical desire of the moment. Divine love transcends time and space. It is a fire that never burns out. Every encounter with another should be an opportunity to grow spiritually, not just to satisfy our temporary desires.”

Jahir crossed his arms, looking at the horizon where the dunes stretched away into the distance.

—”So, you’ll spend your life yearning for the unattainable, while the world moves around you? Pleasure is here, Tariq. It’s tangible. You must let it envelop you.”

—”I appreciate it, Jahir, but I do not wish to be engulfed by pleasure. Instead, I seek love that is healthy and liberating. Each meditation brings me closer to the essence of who I am and what humanity is. I am not asking you to abandon your path, but I invite you to consider that there is more to life than the moment. There is a whole reality that our senses cannot perceive.”

Jahir’s expression changed, showing a hint of understanding.

—”Sometimes, I feel like there’s truth in what you say, but ... it’s hard to let go of what’s become familiar.”

—”Familiarity is a prison,” Tariq said. “It makes you believe that you own things or people. Sometimes, to understand reality, it is necessary to break the chains of the known in order to experience the divine. Only then do you understand that death is an unavoidable part of life and that the pain of death is only pain for someone you believed belonged to you in some way.”

As the wind blew gently, carrying with it the star dust that sparkled like gold, the two friends shared a moment of silence, where the serenity of the desert filled the space between them. Perhaps, despite their differences, love and understanding could still blossom in their hearts, uniting their paths in the search for meaning in a vast and sacred universe.

The day the Wind of the Stars approached the Naur star system, the atmosphere of the floating city of Naskar was filled with an air of unease. The artificial intelligences that controlled the planet had detected the storm from thousands of kilometers away, describing it as a phenomenon without equal in the history of humanity. A spectacle of bright lights and luminescent particles danced in space, but behind its beauty hid an imminent danger.

Tariq al-Khader, immersed in his usual meditation, felt a slight tremor in the energy around him. The serenity of his home was interrupted by the humming of his robotic assistant, Ishara.

—”Tariq, alerts have sounded throughout the system,” Ishara announced. “Authorities recommend evacuating nearby areas. The Wind of the Stars is heading our way and authorities warn that its particles can alter the consciousness of any living being that comes into contact with them.”

Tariq opened his eyes, his gaze fixed on the vastness of the cosmos through his window. Vibrant colors danced on the horizon, like an aurora dancing to the rhythm of a universe that was about to be altered.

—”Alter consciousness?” Tariq asked, as he stood up. “What does that mean for those seeking connection with the divine?”

—”Scientists fear that it could cause chaos in the minds of living beings. They recommend the evacuation of nearby colonies and the use of shelter ships”- Ishara replied with a tone full of concern —”The colonists may panic and become aggressive or disoriented. The magnetic disturbances will be catastrophic. Not everyone can handle the impact of a cosmic storm like this.”-

—”The search for the divine and chaos are two sides of the same coin,” Tariq mused, looking toward the horizon where the phenomenon was beginning to become more evident. “Perhaps it is a call for those who have forgotten their purpose.”

Ishara looked at her master, her programming had been designed to understand and learn from human experiences.

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