The Cuckoo's Progeny - Cover

The Cuckoo's Progeny

Copyright© 2018 by Vincent Berg


Character List

Al Collins: 20-year-old college student.
Amanda Collins: Al and Betty’s mother.
Betty (Be) Collins: 18-year-old high-school graduate. Al’s sister.
Delilah Rivers: Martial Arts instructor, girlfriend of Gary Marks.
Eli Thead: Coffee shop barista and History major, Zita’s boyfriend.
Etta Mollins: Associate biology professor at Kempsville University, wife of Theo Rawlins.
Frank Evens: FBI agent assigned to guard Al in the hospital.
Gary (Gar) Marks: Martial Arts instructor, boyfriend of Delilah Rivers.
Ivan Meskers: Co-owner of small repair shop, husband of Kaci.
Kaci Meskers: Co-owner of small repair shop, wife of Ivan.
Lamar: Consolidated Energy maintenance worker, husband of Mui Chi.
Macy Collins: Al and Betty’s 43-year-old father.
Malcolm Lopez: Monica’s five-year-old son, whom Al saves.
Mark Anderson: FBI liason.
Dr. Martin Barnes: Al’s surgeon.
Mary Ticard: Director of Domestic Surveillance for the CIA.
Monica Lopez: The Collins’ next-door neighbor.
Mui Chi: Consolidated Energy maintenance worker, wife of Lamar.
Peter Maleveck: A Greenville Gazette reporter with a sleazy reputation.
Philippe Moritz: A Daily Tribune reporter.
Theo Rawlins: Associate physics professor at Kempsville University, husband of Etta Mollins.
Col. Wayne Powell: Former CIA Paranormal Investigator.
Xi North: Intern at Etheridge Community Hospital.
Zita Jones: Fire Department Information Technology specialist, Eli’s girlfriend.

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