StarFleet Carl: Blog


Chapter 29 scheduled for Saturday

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Have a great weekend - and be ready for NEXT weekend with tears, pitchforks, and torches!

Take some time Monday

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Remember those who have given the full measure of sacrifice for freedom.

Chapter 25 up for Saturday

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Thank you for reading, for your comments and emails, and for voting me Author of the Year.

A very humble thank you

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I realize that here on SciFi Stories, the average reader here isn't looking for the same kind of story as the average reader on the main site. You're looking for science fiction or fantasy. The winners for this year's Clitorides were just announced, and A True History Book Three swept the three categories it was nominated in - Best Erotic Science Fiction Story for 2021, Best Erotic Fantasy Story for 2021, and the big one, Epic Erotic Story of the Year for 2021. In addition, I won author of the year for 2021.

Thank you to everyone who voted for me, I truly appreciate it. (If you want to tip me for writing a good book, please feel free to buy a copy of one or all of them off Bookapy - that also helps support this website!)

Chapter 21 up for Saturday

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Now that I've finished moving, I'm finally back to writing, and I suspect I'll have the whole book finished soon. Thank you for your patience!