StarFleet Carl: Blog


Short Update

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Still working to collate Book 5 for Bookapy. In the mean time, chapter 21 will be posted next Saturday. Thanks everyone for your support and kind words.

Thank You, all of you.

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I just want to say a big Thank You to all of you that have taken the time to reach out over the past few days. It is a great comfort that my Dad's stories meant so much to so many people. I have tried my best respond to those messages. There certainly were a lot :)

I promise to keep posting the last chapters of ATH Book 5 and as soon as I can, I'll put the whole thing on Bookapy. When it is up and available, I will make another blog post to let everyone know about that. I know he would want his tale shared with all of you and I will make that happen in due time.

Thank you for your patience and thank you for reading my Dad's stories.

-The Firedrake

Some news and an explanation.

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Due to recent events, Starfleet Carl will not be able to post the final chapters of Book 5 of ATH. Instead I, The Firedrake, his Son, will be taking over his account. I just got chapter 19 up. If the formatting is off, my bad. My hope is to continue his posting schedule but I have a lot to learn. As his final editor, I promise you that the full book, the last book in the ATH series, will be posted. I just need a learning curve. To all of my Dad's fans, Thank You for your patience and trust me when I tell you... You're gonna want to stick around :)

Haven't said much lately

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Over on the site where we vote for awards, ATH Book Four won Best Science Fiction story of the Year. This makes the last three years in a row I've won that. I was also voted Author of the Year, for the second year in a row.

Keep reading, and I hope you're enjoying my story!

Chapter 10 uploaded for Sunday

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Three things: Rather obviously, Chapter 10 is uploaded and in the queue for Sunday. Second is there was a Valentine's Day contest on the sister site, StoriesOnline, and my story won. It's not available to be read for six months unless you're a paid member on that site (it'll go to the free side after that) but I think it's cool I won.

Speaking of contests - the Clitorides Awards, which are the online awards for best in written erotica, are open for voting for this year. I've been nominated for Best Erotic Story, Best Erotic Science Fiction Story, and Author of the Year. I can't post a link to the site because of the way blog posts work - and again, we ARE talking about adult (over 17 here, folks) erotic fiction, so if you're not an adult, don't go there!

Have a good weekend and thanks for reading