Details for ‘Masi'shen Evolution’ by Graybyrd

Size: 938 KB
Word Count: 167,279
Downloads: 5257
Weekly: 4
Votes: 125
Score: 9.01
Voted: No
Sequel to "Masi'shen Stranded" -- Michael Hawthorne and Dee'rah evolve to become ambassadors seeking to link two worlds across the galaxy. Earth recognizes the chance for global peace, but a corrupt American president threatens them all with nuclear nightmare as a ploy to rule the nation. Old enemies become allies, and old alliances fall apart. Will humankind survive to achieve a future in the stars?
Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Aliens, Space, Politics, Military, Anarchism
Age Rating: Older than 13
Concluded: (Added Chapters 53,54 (final))