In the near future, humanity decodes an alien signal using Inverse Multifractal Spectroscopy. They are blueprints for a mysterious machine. Led by astrobiologist Layla Norwood, the scientists assemble the device, which allows them to connect to a galactic network called the Network of Silence, where advanced civilizations exchange knowledge in ethical, non-material ways.
In a Post-Apocalyptic yet hyper-advanced world, Alex notices subtle changes in his thoughts—unbidden ideas that feel familiar and foreign. As he delves deeper, he uncovers a chilling link between technology and human autonomy, forcing him to question the boundaries of control and identity.
On a journey to the exoplanet Gliese-581g, two astronaut couples are hibernated to ensure the survival and viability of the mission. However, a failure in the system forces Helen and Viktor, crew members from different marriages, to be awakened five years before arrival. A science fiction drama that explores the limits of human morality, infidelity, loneliness and resilience.
A crew from the Astral Horizons Initiative encounters a rogue planet drifting in the empty darkness between galaxies, with no sun or source of light. As they descend to explore, they find themselves trapped by an unnatural blackness that absorbs all energy, rendering their ship and equipment useless. When engineer Jamal travels to the surface with a team they realize they may be unable to escape. Strange shadows and visions invade their minds, revealing that the planet is a sentient void feeding