Details for ‘Zombie Leza’ by Vincent Berg

Size: 304 KB
Word Count: 54,705
Downloads: 1319
Weekly: 5
Votes: 37
Score: 8.69
Voted: No
An unusual young woman, Leza lives with, cares for, communicates and controls an army of the undead. She can teach the living how to survive, if the humans can only keep from killing her. Leza represents more than just another day of survival, but whether that portends humanity's rescue or the future of the undead is anyone's guess. She may be humanity's redemption or their ultimate annihilation.
Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Science Fiction, Post Apocalyptic, Pandemic, Science, Zombies, Undead
Age Rating: Older than 13
Concluded: (Added Chapters 17,18 (final))