"Never Leave Anyone Behind" is a familiar refrain for American Servicemen. A crew is incapacitated in a strange land and a hostile government tries to capture them and steal their resources. If you're not in the military, do you put your family's lives at risk to help those who can't help themselves, or may not even survive? Previously published as "Stranded".
An unusual young woman, Leza lives with, cares for, communicates and controls an army of the undead. She can teach the living how to survive, if the humans can only keep from killing her.
Leza represents more than just another day of survival, but whether that portends humanity's rescue or the future of the undead is anyone's guess. She may be humanity's redemption or their ultimate annihilation.
A Great Death Story (2) An unusual post-apocalyptic story. Instead of banding together or fighting, the survivors find a world without, little trust and no desire to intermingle. How does society survive if the survivors won't participate? David and Alice try to determine who, if anyone, survived and why. Society is laid bare, and they must organize the reluctant survivors, as further disasters await.
A man is taken then returned. He's not the same or is he? Now with a lot of questions he leaves earth to search for the only other one like himself, so far.
A Make the Cut Story (2) Book Two of the Make the Cut series. (reading book one is advised)
John survived the Earth's destruction. Awakening in the far future, he stumbled upon the truth behind the attack on his world. Now, he embarks on a desperate journey to find more answers and possibly a way to fight back. All the while, he is under the threat of discovery and sudden death. Book two in the "Make the Cut" series.
A The Catalyst Story (3) Having wrestled with trying to preserve a 'normal' last few months of high school, Alex faces an even harder time, as not only does he have to explain to those he loves what his life has become, but he faces several people who seem to hate him as much as his followers adore him. What's a confused teenage atheist religious figure to do? In the third book of the series, follow Alex Jennings as he deals with a variety of challenges as he learns about what he's ultimately facing.
An experimental NASA flight goes horribly wrong and the test pilot wakes up unhurt, back home. Struggling to discover what happened, Eric Morgan returns to NASA prepared to face a thousand questions as things continue to unravel. Is he still human or a new species, and what does that mean for those around him? Testifying before a Congressional subcommittee, Eric inspires fear and hope. As the danger mounts, he tries to fall off the grid, but the rest of the world won't let him walk away.