This brand-new series of short stories takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where humanity lives in one of many compounds. One of these is experimenting with Time Travel using captured convicts as their guinea pigs. Owen was sent to 1983, given a gun, and instructed to kill a murderer before the killing can take place, but when all doesn't go as planned, he believes the man may be innocent.
Spaceships. Orbital stations. Virtual worlds. Incomprehensible aliens. A pan-galactic society where humanity is a minority. Humanoid robots. Artificial intelligences. Journeys beyond the universe. Time travel. Psi powers. Space battles. Distant gods. Video games. Servers where one can live their afterlife. Utopian societies. The Blind Gods have all this and more.
This is a sci-fi story about a hermit who is being harassed and wants to find out why. The harassment escalates until he finds a note warning him that this is a matter of life and death. He begins this journey going deeper into the woods. Where is he bing led, and what will he find there that is so crucial.
Abby Wright is a reporter for the local news station KRT whose husband Ellis disappeared a week ago. She's good friends with an engineer from the station named Cole and has dinner with him. Later they go out on a walk on a woods trail in a park where strange alterations in reality start taking place.