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Stories Starting with A

Displaying stories 41 through 50 of 72

41 And All the Earth a Grave by C.C. MacApp

There's nothing wrong with dying--it just hasn't ever had the proper sales pitch!
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Age Rating: Older than 7 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Science Fiction, Novel-Classic
Downloads: 223 | Votes: 12 | Score: 6.99
Size: 13KB | 2,377 words | Posted:

42 And Devious the Line of Duty by Tom Godwin

Sometimes the most diligent and loyal thing an old man can do is fumble, drink beer, and let a young man get into trouble....
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Age Rating: Older than 7 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Science Fiction, Novel-Classic
Downloads: 508 | Votes: 38 | Score: 7.90
Size: 72KB | 13,524 words | Posted:

43 And It Comes Out Here by Lester Del Rey

There is one fact no sane man can quarrel with. everything has a beginning and an end. But some men aren't sane; thus it isn't always so!
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Age Rating: Older than 7 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Science Fiction, Novel-Classic
Downloads: 415 | Votes: 23 | Score: 7.36
Size: 25KB | 5,060 words | Posted:

44 Angel's Egg by Edgar Pangborn

When adopting a pet, choose the species that is most intelligent, obedient, loyal, fun to play with, yet a shrewd, fearless protector. For the best in pets--choose a human being!
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Age Rating: Older than 7 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Science Fiction, Novel-Classic
Downloads: 667 | Votes: 28 | Score: 8.53
Size: 74KB | 13,942 words | Posted:

45 The Angel of the Revolution: a Tale of the Coming Terror by George Chetwynd Griffith

Richard Arnold, a young man in England at the beginning of the 20th century who devotes his life to creating the world's first fully functional airship. After years of effort, he finally succeeds, but at the expense of everything else in his life, to the point that he finds himself broke and about to be thrown out of his home.
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Age Rating: Older than 7 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Science Fiction, Novel-Classic
Downloads: 592 | Votes: 6 | Score: 6.94
Size: 787KB | 144,444 words | Posted:

46 The Anglers of Arz by Roger D. Aycock

In order to make Izaak Walton's sport complete, there must be an angler, a fish, and some bait. All three existed on Arz but there was a question as to which was which.
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Age Rating: Older than 7 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Science Fiction, Novel-Classic
Downloads: 231 | Votes: 16 | Score: 7.11
Size: 17KB | 3,063 words | Posted:

47 Another Welcomed Guest by Pars001

This takes place five years after the events of A Welcome guest. What if the good deeds one did for one group of gods, sparked more than the interest of another group?
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Age Rating: Older than 17 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Science Fiction, Extra Sensory Perception, Romance, Humor, War, Supernatural, Fantasy
Downloads: 2088 | Votes: 48 | Score: 8.76
Size: 401KB | 77,446 words | Posted: Concluded:

48 The Answer by H. Beam Piper

Lee Richardson and Alexis Pitov, two nuclear scientists, are participating in a thermonuclear test involving a rocket and negamatter. The test is decidedly not a test to develop into weapons-grade materials. However, Pitov and Richardson cannot help but consider the fate of Auburn, NY fifteen years ago when the nuclear event shocked the world. It had to be the Soviets. But the Soviets thought it was the Americans. Maybe it was the Australians? This new experimental test provides the answer.
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Age Rating: Older than 7 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Science Fiction, Novel-Classic
Downloads: 868 | Votes: 52 | Score: 6.66
Size: 25KB | 4,573 words | Posted:

49 Anthem by Ayn Rand

In a future in which individuals have no name, no independence, and no values. Equality 7-2521 lives in the dark ages of the future where all decisions are made by committee, all people live in collectives, and all traces of individualism have been wiped out. Despite such a restrictive environment, Equality 7-2521 dares to stand apart from the herd--to think and choose for himself, to discover electricity, and to love the woman of his choice.
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Age Rating: Older than 7 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Science Fiction, Romance, Violence, Fantasy, Novel-Classic
Downloads: 701 | Votes: 19 | Score: 6.97
Size: 95KB | 19,115 words | Posted:

50 Anything You Can Do by Randall Garrett

What do you do when an alien with exceptional physical abilities crash lands on Earth and leaves a path of death and destruction in its wake? You use biological modification to create an enhanced human able to match the alien in strength and speed. But is the result still human? Find the answer to this question in Randall Garrett's novel Anything You Can Do...
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Age Rating: Older than 7 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Science Fiction, Novel-Classic
Downloads: 1475 | Votes: 29 | Score: 8.31
Size: 298KB | 54,902 words | Posted:
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