It starts with cadet Roger, urm, nicking a study spool for use in a competitive exam -- but that leads all of our cadets into a fight, and when they're caught at that, a trial. In the midst of the trial they get assigned to duty on a Top Secret Projectile Project, and things go wrong there in ways at once related and impossible to connect. Someone is causing real menace to roost in the cadets' lives, and the worst is still ahead...
I was-you shall hear immediately why I am not now-Egbert Craddock Cummins. The name remains. I am still Dramatic Critic to the Fiery Cross. What I shall be in a little while I do not know. I write in great trouble and confusion of mind. I will do what I can to make myself clear in the face of terrible difficulties. You must bear with me a little. When a man is rapidly losing his own identity, he naturally finds a difficulty in expressing himself.
A man is taken then returned. He's not the same or is he? Now with a lot of questions he leaves earth to search for the only other one like himself, so far.
Imperium (3) With the Carthaginians pushed inside the walls of Londinium, the Britannians can finally stop reacting and take the fight to them. Hoping to retake the British Isles and even add new allies to the Alliance, legions are dispatched to Ériu, the emerald isle, to push back Carthaginian expansion there. Ky, a test pilot from the future and now Consul for the Britannic Empire, knows that Carthaginian retaliation is coming and prepares an explosive new surprise for the invaders.