Twin worlds, Bolimar and Earth, separated by the grey. On Bolimar:
Human Prim twins Jo-Laina and Jo-Vanna and natural-born Prim twins
Jo-Viel and Jo-Karna, all warriors fighting a horde of invaders. On
Earth: Powerful twins Whitney and Tommy Leighton, with powers
inherited from their lives on Bolimar and their twin friends Kat and
Kam McAllister. Earth didn't know about Bolimar, but that is changing
as events on Bolimar start to effect Earth.
Whitney Leighton has a secret. She is both blind and deaf but that's not what ahe's trying to keep hidden. Her secret is that she can both see and hear through her twin brother Tommy. They call it piggybacking because she can shift her consciousness into her brother's mind. Whitney's not the only one with a secret; Tommy has one too and it's Whitney that he's keeping it from. His secret is that Whitney isn't who she's supposed to be.
Whitney hates bullies more than anything. Her blood begins to boil within her as Decker Albright and his gang try to have some fun at their expense. The gang might have age and numbers on their side, but what they don't have is a blind and deaf girl who won't take crap from anybody.
She was born blind and deaf, like the rest of the Prim, but she wasn't accepted by the rest of the Prim because she was born of a human father and mother. Panpar, a prophetic dreamer, told them of a legend--The Pockets of the Prim--that would enable them to fight the other Prim who controlled the inner walls of the city. Possessing The Pockets would enable Jo-Laina and her sister Jo-Vanna to overcome the Prim, take back the city, and allow the rest of the city their true birth-rights.
The steely requirements from a Prim warrior from where she originated. The elusive advice from a prophet she once fought side by side with. Whitney Leighton has vowed to return to Kat what Isolem Treff took from her, but Isolem has also vowed to end the twins before they can foil his plans. The twins may believe they have the upper hand, but Isolem took more than just a piece of Kat. He took a part of the twins as well and he is more of a threat now than he ever was before.