During the Earth-Silth conflicts, two commanders of opposing warships played a game of chicken at one of the outer known solar systems, the result being a head-on collision and two ships fused together at the bows. After the cease fire agreement plans were made to salvage what they could from the ships and Alain from Earth was sent as part of a two man crew to recover components from the Earth vessel while a team from the Silth would handle theirs. Nothing turned out to be as expected.
From the Phantom of the Louvre collection It's 1957. In a Toronto waterfront warehouse, a group of automatons are having a religious experience. WHAT? ~4,700 words.
A Darker England Story (2) A nation almost destroyed by grief, horror and rage. A group of men both feared and hated by those in power. A destiny revealed and a return to civilised values. Sometimes the return from the edge is fraught with danger, yet hope abides.
The earth exploded...Hamilton died...along with all the rest of humanity. When he woke up again, he found himself in a scientific research spacecraft in the universe.
Miracles to order was a fine way for the paratimers to get mining concessions--but Nature can sometimes pull counter-miracles. And so can men, for that matter....
In the near future, humanity decodes an alien signal using Inverse Multifractal Spectroscopy. They are blueprints for a mysterious machine. Led by astrobiologist Layla Norwood, the scientists assemble the device, which allows them to connect to a galactic network called the Network of Silence, where advanced civilizations exchange knowledge in ethical, non-material ways.