Set between 2347 and 2350, a man born from Aphadus departs to New Olympia to meet the woman of his dreams on the UHN Opet. It is set during the events of the Gabatrix series. Please read the disclaimers before reading the story. This story is part of the Tales of Heroes series which includes Gabatrix but Gabatrix readers are not required to read it. Story contains: Love, Romance, Human/Anthro Relations, Pregnant, Impregnate, Superfetation, History, Science Fiction, Magic, and more.
A story in the Warhammer 40K Universe
Another old one, found from the early depths of 2007. Enjoy the ride of an Imperial Guard Rhino on a combat drop.
Based on the world, setting, and characters in Philip K Dick’s Second Variety. After Sam Walker's space shuttle was destroyed by a mysterious rocket, he thought he'd gotten lucky when another ship came along to rescue him. But when he finds out his rescuers also have his cargo and are holding him and a few others prisoner, he becomes suspicious about what Celmos Corp has him transporting to Mars.
Spaceships. Orbital stations. Virtual worlds. Incomprehensible aliens. A pan-galactic society where humanity is a minority. Humanoid robots. Artificial intelligences. Journeys beyond the universe. Time travel. Psi powers. Space battles. Distant gods. Video games. Servers where one can live their afterlife. Utopian societies. The Blind Gods have all this and more.