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Novel-Classic Stories

Displaying stories 1101 through 1110 of 1126

1101 The Story of the Late Mr. Elvesham by H. G. Wells

The narrator a young man called Edward Eden meets a strange old gentleman who says he wants him to be his heir, this strange meeting produces stranger results.....
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Age Rating: Older than 7 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Science Fiction, Novel-Classic
Downloads: 187 | Votes: * | Score: *
Size: 36KB | 6,788 words | Posted:

1102 Lord of the World by Robert Hugh Benson

Lord of the World is a 1907 novel by Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson that centers upon the reign of the Anti-Christ and the End of the World. It has been called prophetic by Dale Ahlquist, Joseph Pearce, Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis.
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Age Rating: Older than 7 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Science Fiction, Novel-Classic
Downloads: 212 | Votes: * | Score: *
Size: 548KB | 99,682 words | Posted:

1103 Dialogues of the Dead by Lord Lyttelton

It is a collection of fictitious dialogues between kings, queens, philosophers, etc, who were separated by centuries. Several consist of one person being brow-beaten by a supposedly wiser figure, so there are usually clear winners in the debates.
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Age Rating: Older than 7 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Science Fiction, Novel-Classic
Downloads: 102 | Votes: * | Score: *
Size: 348KB | 63,599 words | Posted:

1104 Looking Backward From 2000 to 1887 by Edward Bellamy

A time-traveler, Julian West, a young Bostonian who is put into a hypnotic sleep in the late 19th century, and awakens in the year 2000 in a socialist utopia. In conversations with the doctor who awakened him, he discovers a brilliantly realized vision of an ideal future, one that seemed unthinkable in his own century. Crime, war, personal animosity, and want are nonexistent. Equality of the sexes is a fact of life. In short, a messianic state of brotherly love is in effect.
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Age Rating: Older than 7 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Science Fiction, Novel-Classic
Downloads: 367 | Votes: * | Score: *
Size: 428KB | 78,021 words | Posted:

1105 Not That It Matters by A. A. Milne

The simple truth, and everybody knows it really, is that collars squeak for some people and not for others. A squeaky collar round the neck of a man is a comment, not upon the collar, but upon the man. That man is unlucky. Things are against him. Nature may have done all for him that she could, have given him a handsome outside and a noble inside, but the world of inanimate objects is against him.
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Age Rating: Older than 7 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Science Fiction, Novel-Classic
Downloads: 378 | Votes: * | Score: *
Size: 248KB | 47,550 words | Posted:

1106 Curiosities of the Sky by Garrett Putman Serviss

The dominion which astronomy has always held over the minds of men is akin to that of poetry; when the former becomes merely instructive and the latter purely didactic, both lose their power over the imagination. Astronomy is known as the oldest of the sciences, and it will be the longest-lived because it will always have arcana that have not been penetrated....
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Age Rating: Older than 7 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Science Fiction, Novel-Classic
Downloads: 213 | Votes: * | Score: *
Size: 301KB | 52,731 words | Posted:

1107 Magic and Religion by Andrew Lang

In this collection of essays, the author takes a look at the state of the study of early religion, ritual, magic, and myth. He begins by looking at science and superstition, and the dangers of allowing belief unsupported by fact to seep into science. He then discusses the origin or religion, and "loan gods," or borrowed religion, a theory advanced by E.B. Tylor. Then moves on to look at William Frazer's theory of the origin of the divine character of Christ, and more.
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Age Rating: Older than 7 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Science Fiction, Novel-Classic
Downloads: 217 | Votes: * | Score: *
Size: 508KB | 89,928 words | Posted:

1108 The Romance of Modern Mechanism by Archibald Williams

The Romance of Modern Invention Contains Interesting Descriptions in Non-Technical Language of Wireless Telegraphy, Liquid Air, Modern Artillery, Submarines, Dirigible Torpedoes, Solar Motors, Airships, &c. &c.
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Age Rating: Older than 7 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Science Fiction, Novel-Classic
Downloads: 175 | Votes: * | Score: *
Size: 526KB | 92,926 words | Posted:

1109 The Time Machine by H. G. Wells

An explorer faces a future burdened with our greatest hopes...and our darkest fears. A pull of the Time Machine's lever propels him to the age of a slowly dying Earth. There he discovers two bizarre races-the ethereal Eloi and the subterranean Morlocks-who not only symbolize the duality of human nature, but offer a terrifying portrait of the men of tomorrow as well.
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Age Rating: Older than 7 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Science Fiction, Novel-Classic
Downloads: 237 | Votes: * | Score: *
Size: 174KB | 32,409 words | Posted:

1110 The Slayer of Souls by Robert W. Chambers

An American girl, Tressa Norne, has been held in bondage in the Temple of Erlik, an Oriental devil-god of Central Asia. After many years of captivity, Tressa finally escapes to America knowing that an organization of murderous magicians, made up of Yezidees and Hassani, are plotting to take over and enslave the world. A secret agent, Victor Cleves, protects and loves Tressa, and with his support, Tressa battles the black magicians who are trying to kill her. Will White Magic triumph over Black?
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Age Rating: Older than 7 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Science Fiction, Novel-Classic
Downloads: 211 | Votes: * | Score: *
Size: 343KB | 62,015 words | Posted:
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