Suspecting that the moon is just like the earth, and that its inhabitants have visited us, the adventurer devises several means of paying a return visit. His first attempt is based on the fact that dew is attracted to the morning sun. "I attached to myself a few bottles of dew, and the heat of the sun, which attracted it, drew me so high that I finally emerged above the highest clouds." This has him headed for the sun, not the moon! He realizes his error and release enough dew to return to earth
The World's Great Age begins anew, The Golden Years return, The Earth doth like a Snake renew Her Winter Skin outworn: Heaven smiles, and Faiths and Empires gleam Like Wrecks of a Dissolving Dream.
This marvelous book is the sequel to Bellamy's Looking Backward, his utopian novel of several years earlier, where a young man falls asleep in 1887 and wakes in a utopian year 2000, where all social ills are solved.
A young, beautiful woman with a shiny future ahead of her falls seriously ill. It takes her a long time to recover, and when she does, the illness has taken such a toll on her physically and mentally that she is hardly the same person any more. Her beauty is gone, her colours are faded, and all she wants now is to remember her past self with the happiness of her former life.