Buck, a victim of accidental suspended animation, awakens five hundred years later to discover America groaning under the tyranny of the villainous Han, ruling from the safety of their armored machine-cities. Falling in love with one of America's new warrior-women, Wilma Deering, Rogers soon become a central figure in using newly-developed scientific weapons, to revolt against the Han.
A Sequel To At the Earth's Core. American David Innes narrates return to exotic, savage land below the Earth crust, old pal Abner Perry, female Mahar, an untamed wilderness where the sun never sets. He seeks beloved Beautiful Dian, torn away by trickery. He crosses the Pellucidar, the Land of Awful Shadow under a pendant moon, encounters prehistoric beasts & strange peoples.
Varta, the last of the virgin Maiden of Asti, is watching her world die. The barbarians of Klem have hunted Memphir to its death and even here, in the forgotten mountain retreat of Asti, Varta can smell the stench of the fires of their destruction. It's time to leave.