The remarkable thing about Atummyc Afterbath Dusting Powder was that it gave you that lovely, radiant, atomic look--just the way the advertisements said it would. In fact, it also gave you a little something more!
Given: The future is probabilities merging into one certainty. Proposition: Can the probabilities be made improbables so that the certainty becomes impossible?
When Myles Cabot, inventor of radio transmission of matter, found himself alone on an unknown continent of the planet Venus, he realized that getting back to his old headquarters and his loved ones presented some impossible problems. He'd have to settle a war between primitive natives and an unholy alliance of monsters, dinosaurs and giant insects. He'd have to build an electronic device from raw rocks and untapped resources. And if he succeeded in all that, he'd still have to find his way home
What is the mystery centered in Jupiter's famous "Red Spot"? Two fighting Earthmen, caught by the "Pipe-men" like their vanished comrades, soon find out.