Lalette Asterhax could not escape her destiny. She was a hereditary witch in a world where witchcraft was banned by ecclesiastical and temporal powers. And any man who possessed her would then gain possession of her precious Blue Star...and all the powers it could bestow. Rodvard Bergelin was a reluctant revolutionary. a rogue who had a date with destiny. Although he lusted after a rich baron's daughter, Rodvard was ordered to seduce the saucy witch-maiden...
How could a human body be found actually splintered--broken into sharp fragments like a shattered glass! Once again Dr. Bird probes deep into an amazing mystery.
A man traveled from the medieval past into the "here" and "now." When "here" and "now" was 1930! Amazing, the scientific breakthroughs that used to happen in those isolated laboratories....
Negu has just bought a fabulously expensive rocket ship called the Vulcan , which ideally can be manned by seven, by only takes one to fly. It's stuffed to the gills with supplies for hundreds of miners.