It is rumored that technology might eliminate many useless items from our regulated life of the future--including good, old-fashioned sex. However, let's kibitz for a moment.
A UFO lands in front of a young bachelor on Christmas Eve. An old man and two beautiful young platinum blonde women emerge from it. The old man tells the young one that he has been chosen for a Great Work in the cosmic future. As a token of earnest for his participation, the two women are offered as his Christmas Gifts. He is to be their Lord and they his fully trained, dedicated sex partners and lovers. Will he accept these Gifts?
On the orders of Argo, the White Goddess, an itinerant poet and his three companions journey to the island of Aptor. Their mission: to seize a jewel from the dark god Hama and bring it back home. With this precious stone Argo may defeat the malign forces gathered against her and the land of Leptor. But, as the group presses deep into the enigmatic heart of Aptor, easy distinctions between good and evil blur, and somehow the task seems less straightforward.
In year 2430, terror spreads when assassins strike down Earth's three major leaders at once. Were the treacherous Venusians behind the crime? Yet the leader of Venus Central State falls, too -- then the leader of Mars. Who is the Tarrano mentioned in the desperate warning?
After America is destroyed by wildfire and disease, a man named Kalen holds up inside a bunker. It's been months since he'd heard any sign of life, but a broadcast he heard could change everything.
After rescue, revenge was uppermost in Chet Barfield's mind; the hideous, bestial Agvars had to be taught a lesson they'd never forget. His rescuers seemed to disagree, however--until Chet learned his lesson too!