Alan is a middle-aged entrepreneur in contemporary Toronto, who has devoted himself to fixing up a house in a bohemian neighborhood. This naturally brings him in contact with the house full of students and layabouts next door, including a young woman who, in a moment of stress, reveals to him that she has wings--wings, moreover, which grow back after each attempt to cut them off.
A young man is transported into the future, to a changed earth where men live in peace with each other and in harmony with the planet. As he struggles to come to grips with the contrast with his old life, he falls in love with one of the women of the family who have 'adopted' him.
On a journey to the exoplanet Gliese-581g, two astronaut couples are hibernated to ensure the survival and viability of the mission. However, a failure in the system forces Helen and Viktor, crew members from different marriages, to be awakened five years before arrival. A science fiction drama that explores the limits of human morality, infidelity, loneliness and resilience.