In a universe where knowledge is the most precious treasure, four brave friends embark on an odyssey in search of the mythical Library of Alexandria, guarded by the Guardian of Orion. Facing the tests imposed by the Guardian, the protagonists must confront the shadows of their past and the essence of their hearts. On this desolate planet, they discover the true key to accessing supreme knowledge.
Harry Scott is being pursued by some things. They're not human. They're not-men. A door bangs. Footsteps tread heavy. A phone ringing. Can Doctor Webber help poor, delusional Harry?
Hale Oakham heads into the mysterious jungle to find the mysterious Sir Basil Addington and his laboratory where he has supposedly discovered amazing secrets about life, including ones which enable him to produce monsters and to change the physical characteristics of humans.
The Martians had been sending a message to Earth for 5000 years, waiting for a response, but recently stopped. Why? They have interplanetary travel, yet no way to determine if any life exists here? In our infancy of space exploration, we are thoroughly exploring Mars to see if it can or ever could have supported life as we know it.