Would you like to see all hell break loose? Just make a few holes in nothing at all--push some steel beams through the holes--and then head for the hills. But first, read what happened to some people who really did it.
This novel presents timeless themes of faith, redemption, civil conflict, and betrayal. Set in the lost world of central Africa in the 1890's, the Children of Fire and their fatefull visit from " Messenger", a missionary named Thomas Owen. Tribal mysticism and culture clash with Victorian era values of Christianity , with some intrigue, adventure and epic battles.
It may be that there is a weapon that, from the viewpoint of the one it's used on, is worse than lethal. You might say that death multiplies you by zero; what would multiplication by minus one do?
Ezekiel, they say, "saw de wheel"--but he saw somewhat more than that. And Orton suggests that what he saw made perfectly good sense. to the understanding!