Hard Science Fiction mixed with Romantic Love and Sex. What more is there? (Sorry, no war here!) -- Two teens starting a universe shifting life. Simple beginning, Grandiose ending. ;-)
Bump-Arch had to complete his experiment or spend five more years as an apprentice Scientist--and if successful, his feat would provide plenty of BUSINESS for the LAWYERS.
Grimly Eric John Stark slogged toward that ancient Martian city-with every step he cursed the talisman of Ban Cruach that flamed in his blood-stained belt Behind him screamed the hordes of Ciaran, hungering for that magic jewel-ahead lay the dread abode of the Ice Creatures-at his side stalked the whispering spectre of Ban Cruach, urging him on to a battle Stark knew he must lose!
Most people, when asked to define the ultimate in loneliness, say it's being alone in a crowd. And it takes only one slight difference to make one forever alone in the crowd....
We call them trouble-shooters. They called 'em Gypsies. Either way, they were hep to that whole bit about.... A futuristic tale of man and technology. A warning about losing your past.
The first of the new meteors landed on the earth in November, 1940. It was discovered by a farmer in his field near Brookline, Massachusetts, shortly after daybreak on the morning of the 11th. Astronomically, the event was recorded by the observatory at Harvard as the sudden appearance of what apparently was a new star, increasing in the short space of a few hours from invisibility to a power beyond that of the first magnitude, and then as rapidly fading again to invisibility.