Our Hero, Sid, returns to Chaos to face his greatest challenge. After assembling a small cadre of advisors, Sid recruits a small army to take on the slavers and to rescue three Damsels in Distress who have become enslaved. Follow his exploits as one of four generals in the Chaos Slave War.
A story in the Mage and Magic Universe Universe
A powerful mage from a powerful clan, is betrothed to the daughter of a powerful Vampire clan. This is your average vampire/mage story but with a twist. What if you were a mage or a vampire and suddenly found your self a plain powerless human? Just ask Lana or Johnathon. This also crosses over into Dead stick my first ever cross over!
A story in the Mage and Magic Universe Universe
A modern Mage deals with the scum of his world in our world, making both worlds safe for everyone. Besides Tyrome was a likeable guy wasn't he?
A story in the Mage and Magic Universe Universe
His life was crap, nothing ever seemed to go his way. His wife had kicked him out he was at the end of his rope, then one day he had a strange dream, or was it? The beautiful woman who befriended him, the new worlds and people what wasn't to like?
There is no hunger, no social hard ship and thus the core reasons for crime eroded. That is the official opinion and beleive of most. One percent of a population, that is counted in Centillions is still a very big number. The shiny, mighty Union is not perfect. Some say a free society can never be.
A Darker England Story (2) A nation almost destroyed by grief, horror and rage. A group of men both feared and hated by those in power. A destiny revealed and a return to civilised values. Sometimes the return from the edge is fraught with danger, yet hope abides.