That he was a phony Swami was beyond doubt. That he was a genuine prophet, though, seemed. but then, what's the difference between a dictator and a true prophet? So was he....
That the gentleman in question was a nut was beyond question. He was an institutionalized psychotic. He was nutty enough to think he could make an atom bomb out of modeling clay!
A Make the Cut Story (3) John was lucky to survive after the disaster which arose from the expedition to Sri Lanka. Now, he and his A.I. friend Naomi must find a way to use what they learned to take the fight to the enemy. Not only do they have to find a way of disabling the master artificial intelligence in control of the Earth, but they also have to deal with the worse threat approaching from interstellar space.
Was it a wild talent that MacReedy had, or was it just prophetic genius that led him to figure out new, improved ordnance weapons and make models of them--before the armed forces had them? Whichever it was, MacReedy was both valuable and dangerous--and when the general saw MacReedy's final figure, the weapons following the mobile rocket A-missile launcher....
Man has developed many a deadly weapon. Today, the weapon most effective in destroying a man's hopes and security is the file folder. and that was the weapon Morely knew and loved. But there was something more potent to come.
Generally speaking, human beings are fine buck-passers--but there's one circumstance under which they refuse to pass on responsibility. If the other fellow says "Your method won't solve the problem!"--then they get mad!