Buck, a victim of accidental suspended animation, awakens five hundred years later to discover America groaning under the tyranny of the villainous Han, ruling from the safety of their armored machine-cities. Falling in love with one of America's new warrior-women, Wilma Deering, Rogers soon become a central figure in using newly-developed scientific weapons, to revolt against the Han.
When Myles Cabot, inventor of radio transmission of matter, found himself alone on an unknown continent of the planet Venus, he realized that getting back to his old headquarters and his loved ones presented some impossible problems. He'd have to settle a war between primitive natives and an unholy alliance of monsters, dinosaurs and giant insects. He'd have to build an electronic device from raw rocks and untapped resources. And if he succeeded in all that, he'd still have to find his way home
The earth exploded...Hamilton died...along with all the rest of humanity. When he woke up again, he found himself in a scientific research spacecraft in the universe.
"$1,000 a Plate" takes place on Mars' moon Deimos, at a time when it has been highly commercialized and visitor friendly. The enterpreneurial casino business has arrived to entice the tourist trade to part with their dollars, while research and exploration is taking place via astronomers and their telescopes searching the heavens in Deimos' crystal clear atmosphere. But there is a problem...
The story is set in 2158 A.D., after the invention of a medicine called Anti-Gerasone, which is made from mud and dandelions and is thus inexpensive and widely available. Anti-Gerasone halts the aging process and prevents people from dying of old age as long as they keep taking it; as a result, America now suffers from severe overpopulation and shortages of food and resources.