Islands of Space was written as a sequel to 'The Black Star Passes" 'Arcot, Wade, Morey and their computer, Fuller, put together a ship which will travel faster than light... they give us what may have been the first space-warp drive. With it they hightail it among the stars. They locate the fugitive planets of the Black Star... find a frozen cemetery-world of a lost race... then head out for another galaxy... and wind up in a knock-down-drag-out interplanetary war there.
The Masi'shen crash-landed on Antarctica 2,000 years ago. Their ship lies under the ice on a volcanic island. It has been detected by a spy satellite. The U.S. government, the Russian mafia, and a volunteer rescuer race to get there first.
A Jade Force Story (4) There have been a rash of kidnappings of businessmen visiting the country of Teal. Jade Force, seeing an opportunity to replenish the war chest, takes on the gang of kidnappers.
Even in our picayune little corner of the universe, we find in the insect kingdom a form of life that has survived through every possible earth catastrophe in the last 40 mill. years. With their skeletons on the outside of their bodies,insects are able to protect their bodies from heat, cold, and from accidents that would kill us. If the insect's shell were harder and thicker and made of heat resisting material, it might conceivablybe able to live in space without other protection.
A story in the Damsels In Distress Universe
Shiloh is a land of plains, forests, and mountains on the planet Chaos. The planet's two most powerful Heroes are dead and the bureaucracy of the Crossroads control centre is more of a hindrance than a help, due to treachery within their ranks. Kyle Alexander is the heir to Jonas the powerful Lord of Shiloh, he must now take up his inheritance due to Jonas' unexpected death, and solve many problems while fighting enemies and protect his people on both Earth and Chaos. - 270,700 words
It's been going on for a billion years and it will last another billion or so. Up and down the timeline, the two sides--"Spiders" and "Snakes"--battle endlessly to change the future and the past. Our lives, our memories, are their battleground. And in the midst of the war is the Place, outside space and time, where Greta Forzane and the other Entertainers provide solace and r-&-r for tired time warriors.
A Jade Force Story (12) The International Federation of Nations just had to do it. A committee on War Crimes declared Pen Sada a war criminal. When Jade Force and the nation of Misera won't turn her over for trial, there's only one thing the IFN can do, and that is to declare war on Misera.
A Jade Force Story (6) The world has lots of water with ships transporting goods from one place to another. With so much shipping piracy can easily become a major international problem. Cartoom has become home to a major nest of pirates. Jade Force is called upon to end the problem.
A Jade Force Story (8) Misera from its founding has not been stable.There a suppressed indigenous population and a repressed population controlled by selfish political types. A civil war erupts. The government hires Jade Force to put down the rebellion so that Jade Force can kill off the protesters. Blame is easy to deflect - it wasn't us, it was Jade Force who massacred the crowd in the square.