This is the story of a young man leaving family and friends on Earth for a job. He finds friends, a new family, drama, conflict, and war. He also finds love and a path to a better future.
A Not-Quite Human Story (2) Unable to find a home and acceptance on Earth, an intrepid band of misplaced youth seek their ancestral home among the stars. Unfortunately, their reception is not what they hoped. The home they discover is a hostile environment, involved in a huge interstellar war with a hostile alien species. Viewed as untrusted interlopers, they search for a place in a universe with no use for them, and no place turn for assistance. One chapter has some explicit interspecies sex, but it's part of the plot.
During the Earth-Silth conflicts, two commanders of opposing warships played a game of chicken at one of the outer known solar systems, the result being a head-on collision and two ships fused together at the bows. After the cease fire agreement plans were made to salvage what they could from the ships and Alain from Earth was sent as part of a two man crew to recover components from the Earth vessel while a team from the Silth would handle theirs. Nothing turned out to be as expected.
A story in the Gabatrix Series (TheUniverseofCMed) Universe
Set in 2350, the Terrorists of Batrice continues not long after the Silver Rain. A brother of a fallen man resides in the great Fort Batrice. Recovering from such a loss, it is quickly shattered as an explosion occurs on the great space station. Please read the disclaimers before reading the story. The story contains: Swearing, Space, Science Fiction, Future, Sex, Love, War, Violence, Blood, Interspecies, Male Human, Female Aliens, Scalie, Human/Alien Sex, M/FF
A human brain-controlled spacecraft would mean mechanical perfection. This was accomplished, and something unforeseen: a strange entity called Mr. Spaceship
The gods have long since left and magic has gone along with them. Might is found at the trigger of a gun and adventure is found in the stars. Sunrunner is a fast-paced, sci-fi adventure with a tinge of eldritch horror. Follow a motley crew of mercenaries as they are swept up in a tale of corporate overreach gone awry.
A story in the Gabatrix Series (TheUniverseofCMed) Universe
Set in 2349 and part of the Tales of Heroes universe, Gabatrix: Minerva deals with a scientist named Ericson, which creates the first advanced AI in over two hundred years. This is the first book of the Gabatrix series set in a specific time frame as humanity expands and colonizes other worlds while the threat of an unknown alien race looms near. The story contains sex Human male/female robot. M/F, Android, AI, War, Artificial Intelligence, Science Fiction, Space, Sex, Pregnant, Love, Romance.
A story in the Time Travel Adventures Universe
A plain man becomes more. The story of Joe a man who is anything but plain, the three worlds he lives on and the three women he loves. Plus another in the far past that his love for actually started it all.
We are each born under our own star, and we are also tied to our own destiny. One day, the stars we are born under and the destinies we are tied together with shall meet, and our verse in the great song of life shall be sung.