At least a contributing factor to the current cycle of science fiction movies being made in Hollywood is the touchiness of minorities having their nationals being portrayed as villains. Cinema-makers are now trying to avoid further boycotts by using space aliens for villains. But suppose some of our Extraterrestrial neighbors are also a bit touchy?
Pioneers have always resented their wanderlust, hated their hardships. But the future brings a new grudge--when pioneers stay put and scholars do the exploring!
A stellar communications repairman is sent to repair a beacon on a planet, and discovers that its presence had a profound influence on the planet in question. Needing to deal with a locally evolved sentience and a bizarre ritual, the repairman needs to use his best plan to complete his mission and end up alive and whole too.
Ever wonder where runaway dogs go? And how do they get there? And what do they do once there? A whimsy.~ 3400ish words. Cover image available on my Haro James FaceBook page.