In the near future, humanity decodes an alien signal using Inverse Multifractal Spectroscopy. They are blueprints for a mysterious machine. Led by astrobiologist Layla Norwood, the scientists assemble the device, which allows them to connect to a galactic network called the Network of Silence, where advanced civilizations exchange knowledge in ethical, non-material ways.
In a colony on the island of Titan, very close to the Kraken Sea, Ethan and Jessica work on a project. Going through unhappy marriages, they find solace in each other as they work to launch a power generating station from Titan's cryovolcanic activity.
Based on the world, setting, and characters in Philip K Dick’s Second Variety. After Sam Walker's space shuttle was destroyed by a mysterious rocket, he thought he'd gotten lucky when another ship came along to rescue him. But when he finds out his rescuers also have his cargo and are holding him and a few others prisoner, he becomes suspicious about what Celmos Corp has him transporting to Mars.
A story in the Breeder World Universe
World War Three has come and gone, most of the world population are dead. The survival of the race is now at grave risk and society has changed beyond recognition. Learn what happened and what was done to keep the human race alive. - This short story sets the background for the rest of the stories in the universe.
A crew from the Astral Horizons Initiative encounters a rogue planet drifting in the empty darkness between galaxies, with no sun or source of light. As they descend to explore, they find themselves trapped by an unnatural blackness that absorbs all energy, rendering their ship and equipment useless. When engineer Jamal travels to the surface with a team they realize they may be unable to escape. Strange shadows and visions invade their minds, revealing that the planet is a sentient void feeding
In this broken futuristic world, the princess might have slept for too long, forgotten too much, lost too many limbs, trusted the wrong fairy mechas... and maybe, just maybe done something very wrong. Will she wake up from this nightmare?