A MYSTERIOUS "FALL-OUT" PARALYZES CIVILIZATION! Mayfield was the typical college town. Nothing too unusual ever happened there until a mysterious comet was suddenly observed by the scientists on College Hill. The copper-yellow glow of the comet seemed to have brought the whole world to a grinding halt.
The star Mira was unpredictably variable. Sometimes it was blazing, brilliant and hot. Other times it was oddly dim, cool, shedding little warmth on its many planets. Gresth Gkae, leader of the Mirans, was seeking a better star, one to which his "people" could migrate. That star had to be steady, reliable, with a good planetary system. And in his astronomical searching, he found Sol.
Alan Green was not exactly a hero. In fact he liked peace just as well as the next man. Not that he was really afraid of that crazy, hot-blooded hound-dog Alzo, or even of the hound's gorgeous owner, the Duchess Zuni--who was also hot-blooded (to say nothing of the Duke). After all, these things were understood on this backward, violent planet, and a man could manage, provided he was alert twenty-four hours a day.
A Twinfinity Story (4) The steely requirements from a Prim warrior from where she originated. The elusive advice from a prophet she once fought side by side with. Whitney Leighton has vowed to return to Kat what Isolem Treff took from her, but Isolem has also vowed to end the twins before they can foil his plans. The twins may believe they have the upper hand, but Isolem took more than just a piece of Kat. He took a part of the twins as well and he is more of a threat now than he ever was before.
The colony "world" is a poverty stricken agricultural society with only two exports: the fermented products of their world's unique grapes, and the salvaged war equipment, now selling at about 1% of its true value. The legend of MERLIN, the super-computer said to have planned the grand strategy which successfully concluded the war. "If we could only find Merlin," the inhabitants said to each other, "all our problems would be solved.
A story in the Gabatrix Series (TheUniverseofCMed) Universe
Set in 2349. Gabatrix: The First Peace continues one month after Gabatrix: Minerva. Humanity is losing a war with the Itreans but one of the clans reaches out in a desire for peace. An old UHN warship is prepped for the meeting and an ambassador must be prepared for whatever is out there. The story contains Swearing, Love, Sex, Male Human/Female Alien, War, Intercourse, Space, Science Fiction, Future, Sci-Fi, Anthro Scalie/Reptilian, Violence, M/F
It's seldom that the fate of a shipful of men literally hangs by a thread--but it's also seldom that a device, every part of which has been thoroughly tested, won't work....
When adopting a pet, choose the species that is most intelligent, obedient, loyal, fun to play with, yet a shrewd, fearless protector. For the best in pets--choose a human being!
The Man Who Meant To Kill A Martian Bold and ruthless, he was famed throughout the System as a big-game hunter. From the firedrakes of Mercury to the ice-crawlers of Pluto, he'd slain them all. But his trophy-room lacked one item; and now Riordan swore he'd bag the forbidden game that roamed the red deserts... a Martian!